Manufacturer of fiberglass reinforced plastic grating and structures
C - Continuous exposure of the fiberglass grating to the Chemical Environment listed at the temperature listed.
F - Frequent exposure of the fiberglass grating to splashes and spills from the Chemical Environment listed with that environment at the temperature listed.
I - Infrequent exposure of the fiberglass grating to splashes and spills from the Chemical Environment listed with that environment at the temperature listed and the spill immediately cleaned up or washed from the fiberglass grating.
N - Not recommended for the concentrations and temperatures listed.
MAX temperature is 185°F for molded Vinyl grating, 160°F for molded ISO fiberglass grating and 150°F for molded GPI fiberglass grating.
The corrosion resistance data listed above is for general information only. Resin manufacturers have provided test data which indicates that the specific resin can withstand the corrosion conditions listed above. Canadian Composite Structures, Inc. believes the data to be true and accurate but no guarantee is expressed or implied as to specific performance. Testing for specific environments is recommended. Responsibility for claims arising from breach of warranty, negligence or otherwise is limited to the purchase price of the material sold by Canadian Composite Structures, Inc.